The world is in the process of evolution, and who is in doubt that the key to the further evolution slot belongs to us. Climate change and pollution are inevitable in today’s generation, so there’s no better time to embrace a more environmental approach than now. He identifies that in his informative article he will explain why use of green technology and people’s sustainability is important for the future of the entire world.
Environmental Conservation and the Results of Its Implementation
Sustainability practices relate to a whole spectrum of activities oriented towards the decreased impact on nature through the release of greenhouse gases and towards the promotion of healthier living. Some of such practices include using green energy sources, reducing, and recycling and adopting sustainable means of transport. Each of these areas is worth examining more closely for the effect it has for the environment on the global scale.
1. Renewable Energy Sources
Like solar, wind, and hydroelectric, sources are progressively gaining popularity as more people wake up to the effects caused by conventional fuels. Burning of fossil fuels emits a lot of green house gases to the atmosphere thus affecting the climate of the world. We should embrace green energy as it provides an opportunity to cut down our emission rates and use more of the renewable energy resources available.
In addition renewable energy resources are slowly coming to the market as relatively cheap. Off late it has been observed from the IRENA that Wind and solar power among others have emerged as some of the cheapest sources of power that can be generated. Indeed, cost of utility scale solar power by 2020 had reduced to 82% below the costs of 2010 and onshore wind power by 70%.
2. Waste Minimization
Waste production remains a major international problem in an increasingly increasing pace. According to the World Bank, the current global municipal solid waste-production stands at about 2 billion tons per annum, and the new generation by 2050, is predicted to be 70 % more than today’s level. Human waste has the following effects on environment,: It pollutes the environment; It consumes natural resources; It affects the wildlife in the ecosystem.
As for this problem, one has to maximize the usage of environmentally friendly practices that engage the concept of waste reduction. This entails using, reusing and composting materials in a way that will minimize the volume of waste going to the dumping sites. In addition, waste minimization measures make global employment through generating employment chances in the different recycling and reuse industries.
3. Green Transportation
Transportation is another large contributor and the vast majority of these emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels to move cars, trucks, and airplanes. Statistics from the International Energy Agency show that energy-related CO2 emissions in the transport sector are at about one quarter.
To address this problem, many are adopting environmentally sustainable means of transport including walking, cycling and the use of public transport. Not only do these options minimise adverse effects on our climate but also foster the creation of healthier and more existing communities. However, the new opportunity of electric and hybrid vehicles is also available for address traditional gasoline cars, which let reduce emittance so much and step for green future.
Why It Matters: Social Responsibility and the Environment: Effects on the International Perspective
Taking proactive measures with the ecology itself involves consequences which are not simply personal. Applied on a large scale, the practices make a ripple effect that can lead to a change that is liberating the whole world. Now let’s look at some of the best examples of how the utilization of environmentally friendly solutions affects the entire population.
1. Combating Climate Change
Global warming is one of the biggest threats humanity has ever faced and it is active in the world at the moment. Examples of the effects of climate change include; increase in sea level, increase in intensity and frequency of natural disasters, loss of diversity. Specifically, going green preserves the environment because it slows down the proneness of world climate to change hence, the globe is given the chance to heal.
2. Promoting Sustainability
Sustainability is the carrying out of activities in such a manner that it will not impact the carrying out of similar activities by future generations. Eco-friendly practices are called so because these practices involve the conservation of the environment including natural resources and the avoidance of wastage. Consequently, it reduces the pressure on the Earth’s ecosystems that are incredibly delicate to sustain, and contributes to the well-being of our planet in the future.
3. Boosting the Economy
Valuable utilization of the environment can also be seen concerning the economical impacts on global economy. This leads to an opportunity to first, develop new solutions for greening various industries, and second, embrace sustainable chemical production step by step as the market demand for green products and services expands. This in turn can lead to new employment, economic activity and help transition to a green economy.
4. Enhancing Public Health
Environmental friendly activities and policies are not only good for the environment but also good for the health of the people. For instance, clean air and low levels of pollution are likely to lower health risks including respiratory diseases, among other related ailments. In the same way if people are encouraged to pay more attention to active modes of transport like cycling and walking there will be likely to be decreased incidences of obesity and other related diseases.
As a final stage: the recognition of sustainable ecology as a main key according to which all people could have a better life is possible. When it comes to management of our personal actions there are a large number of methods through which we can help create a more sustainable globe, from the use of renewable energy to reduced waste produced and environmentally friendly methods of transportation. It is therefore important to acknowledge their need and act, towards extending creativeness so as to flow down to the rest of the world and to generations to come.